How often should you pluck your eyebrows?
Taking care of your eyebrows has now become just as commonplace as taking care of your hair. However, even though we all know when it’s time to go to the hairdresser, we’re a bit hazier about knowing the right time to pluck our brows.
As you all know, having beautiful brows that are well plucked and suited to your face can help you highlight your eyes. They balance out your features and open up your eyes. If you can’t imagine leaving the house without a bit of lipstick or mascara, then going out without perfectly-shaped brows should be equally unthinkable. Oh yes, it’s fair to say that eyebrows are now an integral part of our beauty routines. We shape them, we style them, we use makeup on them. In short, we do what we can to enhance them!
For men too, eyebrow shaping is becoming increasingly common and with good reason. Getting rid of a few stray hairs can refine your features and give you a more groomed appearance. While there is no need to maintain them as regularly as women or apply makeup, you can still make sure they are properly shaped to suit your features and regularly remove excess hair.
Taking care of your eyebrows
There is obviously more to looking after your brows than just popping to the salon to find the right brow shape for your face. Eyebrows are made up of hundreds of hairs that grow at a certain rhythm, like the hair on your head. When freshly plucked, your brows will look perfect, but as the days go by, you will notice regrowth beginning to appear, and your brows will become longer. The result is bushy and untidy brows.
Ok, you may think, but aren’t thick and bushy brows very trendy right now? Yes, full brows are fashionable right now but on the condition that they are well defined. Your brows, when properly shaped, will be easy to tame and style for a defined but perfectly controlled brow line.
It is important to properly take care of your eyebrows and to regularly shape them to keep your brow line perfect. Neglecting your brows for too long, for several months or years, for example, will mean you will have to start again from scratch. If there is too much regrowth, your brow line will no longer be clearly defined, and you’ll be back to square one.
When should you shape your brows ?
Everyone is different, and there are no fixed rules or a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to eyebrow shaping and regrowth. For some people, the first hairs will start to regrow after around 10 days, while for others, they will be fine for up to a month. Generally, it is best to shape your brows every 4 to 5 weeks to keep them looking good and to remove excess hair.
However, between eyebrow shaping sessions, you should leave your brows alone. Obviously, if one stray hair is really posing a problem, then you can remove it. Our tweezers with led light are ideal as they allow you to see what you are doing and avoid removing more hairs than you wanted to. This is important because, by playing about with your brow line excessively, you risk removing too much and creating an unbalance between your brows. If in doubt, it’s best to leave well alone and leave it to a professional.
What to do about regrowth in-between eyebrow shapings
It is possible and indeed completely normal for a few hairs to appear in-between eyebrow shaping treatments. If you want to remove them for aesthetic reasons, touch-ups can be done with tweezers. However, if you notice that the hairs are not growing at the same rate and are different lengths, it’s best to put your tweezers away. Eyebrow hairs have a life cycle of around 4 months, including 3 months of growth. If they are not removed at the same time, hairs can have staggered regrowth.
If this happens, there are two solutions available to you:
- Let hair regrow and reach the same length to relaunch their cycles simultaneously.
- Use small scissors to trim the hairs that are too long without touching the root. This will give you a more harmonious look while letting the hairs return to the same cycle.
Obviously, you can seek advice from a professional about how often to pluck your brows. At certain times of the year, like in the summer, hair grows faster, so you may need to pluck your brows more often. The more you pluck your brows, the slower regrowth will be, and you’ll be able to go longer between eyebrow shaping sessions.